Interview with Ogyny The Chief Rocker (Upcoming Album Ft. General Pype, spy da man, 9ce, zdon, terry g and hopefully Tubaba) - AFRIKTAINMENT MEDIA




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Sunday, January 9, 2011


Interview with Ogyny The Chief Rocker (Upcoming Album Ft. General Pype, spy da man, 9ce, zdon, terry g and hopefully Tubaba)

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NOTE: In this interview shorthand writing "ACTIVATED", so don't LOL

Afrik: The wan ti ti guy a.k.a the chief rocker, its been a while bro, how have you been.

Ogyny: Been kool brov. I thank d lord for his protection and blessing over d yrs.

Afrik: Na so, oya let's hit the nail, how is the entertainment industry and could you first tell your audience a brief biography about yourself

Ogyny: My names are oginni oluwaseun david, ( ogyny ) Aka da chief rocker, am from osun state, I was born in d aerly 80s, currently a student of south africa university, studying comunication science. I started music @ a very tender age, was singing wiv d choir den, am also an instrumentalist, I play d drums and d guiter, buh professionaly I Started out as a model, then went into dancing, I did all dis @ a proffesional leveln b4 I started music professionaly, my first single was released in 2004,‎​Nw and signed to a record label called culbeed music, I'd be glad to let u knw dat am also into acting nw, av done a couple and am even on location @ d moment, apart from all dos, am also an event manager, and I work wiv as one wiv culbeed media @ d moment. So if u ask me who OGYNY is, or wah does he do, I'd say am a young and dynamic entertainer.

Afrik: What a lovely profile. Now about your first single which has been enjoying airplay nationwide, how would you describe your kind of musik.

OGYNY: Hmmmmm, d single am promoting nw u mean, and nt ma first single, like said earlieran my first eva single was released in 2004, and av released a couple of songz since up until now, buh ( wan tin tin ) is d song dat am promoting nw, and it happens to be d secound song am releasing from culbeed music buh my first official single from culbeed music, D song is a love song, dat toks abt confirming if a guirl really loves u, cos u r well in love wiv her, am just speaking d minds of every man, dat has got any tin to wiv any woman @ all. Cos we find out dat most gurls dis days r out for wat dey can get from uand nt wat dey feel 4 u. Dou some r in it for ooo, Buh majority r nt. It a dance song as well, Cos dat watz is in voug. D video of course was shot in S A, and it's enjoying lots of airplay ryt nw, Tokn abt mtvbase, nigezie, souncity, 1music. And abt d kinda music I do,  it'4 called afropop, it's blend of d western and frican music put to gether, buh also divert abit @tyms cos am very versatile, so expect to here so many genre of music in my album

Afrik: Which means your music is moving ahead, kkkk, let's divert to your private life as usual, what's her name and does she find it difficult coping with your career as an artist

OGYNY: Hmmm, her name? Or name withheld, cos she does nt like publicity, buh trust me there's a she nw. And she surports me all d way. She loves and want me 4 who I am, and dat best tin a man can hope and pray 4m

Afrik: (Nutty smile), since the name can not be displayed (no wahala), so when is the album project dropping and any special features.

OGYNY: Yup already av worked wiv gr8 peeps like. General pype, spy da man, and am to work wiv d likes of 9ce, zdon, terry g, and I also hope to work wiv 2 baba, d album should drop by d next quater of dis year, by God's grace.

Afrik: Wow, that's a TOTAL PACKAGE, we can't wait to have a copy of it. Would luv to thank you for spending this little tyme with us, and we wish u a Rocky season 2011.

OGYNY: Thanx brov, u r too much, and tell dem to watch out, Cos d chief rocker is coming to rock d word. Prah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watch out 4 my next single, It's called "Da Chief Rocker" ‎​And a big thank u to all my friends, cos I don't call dem fans, they r my firend and family. ‎​Wiv out dem there is no me. ‎​Thank u very much

Afrik: Blessup brov!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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